大力推介的Liquid Eyeliner

之前一直用開鉛筆狀的eyeliner, 但又好想做出眼尾微微向上飛的效果,鉛筆狀難以做到。知道Liquid Eyeliner是可以做到。但之前試過幾枝,一是不黑,一是很水,很難乾。難乾的很麻煩,劃得多靚都好,眼一眨就變花臉貓。

日本朋友介紹我用KATE的Liquid Eyeliner, 有極細筆及普通,我買了極細,¥840。它真的很幼細,黑,亦很快乾。完全做到的想劃的效果!可惜左右經常不對稱V_V~要多多練習!




This blog is apart of the official JNTO Hong Kong Campaign
日本新発売(JNTO Hong Kong campaign page


  1. Hello, I am going to Fukuoka Japan for WWOOF. I would like to know if those remote area can receive well 3G or wifi network for internet? Because I wanna buy a iphone or ipad for internet, and I know there is a rental 3G sim card in Japan, but I'm not sure if those remote area in Fukuoka can receive well. Please advise according to your experience, many thanks.


  2. Virgina: for 3G, it's really depends how far is your farm. Mostly no problem at the town area. However, at the rural area, sometimes the reception is not really good. For wifi, is really not common in Japan. If you have your WWOOF address, you can ask softbank before renting the card.



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